A little bit about what you'll find reviewed here

A little bit about what you'll find reviewed on this blog: I believe the best books involve characters you wish you could read more about long after the book is finished. Recently, I've been searching for hidden gems from the past. I read mostly fiction, and I'm a bit of a prude. I don't normally enjoy books with sex or excessive language.

Who I am:
I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful girls. I enjoy reading (of course), sewing, cross stitching, photography and writing. I live in the high desert portion of Washington (which I didn't know existed until my husband and I decided to move here) and have really enjoyed my time out here. I am excited to see what God has next in store for my life!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Out of Control (The Kincaid Brides) - Mary Connealy

Over the weekend, I had a wonderful dilemma.  I woke up to 40 emails.  At first I thought that my email account had been hacked, but upon closer inspection, I had about 38 price drop emails.  I had despaired of getting anything to drop for so long, it was quite a shock.  Most of them were above my $5.00 limit, so I was spared that temptation.  In the end, I did end up with 11 new books to read.  I won't have a drought for a while now.  Thanks to my wonderful husband for allowing me to splurge!

On to the review.  Out of Control has been on my watch list for a while.  It was one of those books that kept popping up in my recommendations and looked like it had a unique story line.

Julia likes to go exploring in caves.  It's her chance to get out of the house while her stepmother, who is almost the same age as she is, gets some rest.  The stepmother has a baby and is also expecting another child.  The two women live out in the middle of nowhere in a shack that is about to fall down around them.  They were brought there by Julia's father, who apparently is a scoundrel and runs a saloon in town.  Not knowing what he has been up to, they believe that he runs the general store.

On one of Julia's explorations, she descends into a cave and someone maliciously brings up her rope and leaves her trapped in the dark.  She panics and hits her head.  Afraid that the man will come back, she tries to remain quiet, but eventually she cries out for help.

Rafe is fighting past demons in that cave.  As a child, an accident happened in that cave that destroyed his family.  Passing by it now is hard, but hearing someone yelling for help from inside is something he wasn't prepared for.  Once he saves Julia, their lives are intertwined.  Back at the ranch, Rafe discovers that his brother, Ethan, has come home and now has to deal with him as well.  Both men take Julia back to the shack and discover that they are needed there.  Julia's father is gravely ill and the women are forced to accept Rafe and Ethan's presence.

Both Rafe and Julia are incredibly bossy.  Neither wants to give in to the other.  They also have nothing in common but enjoy kissing quite a bit.  Eventually Rafe just tells Julia that they are getting married and she eventually just agrees.  It was just weird.  I also had issues with Julia's obsession with her fossils.  While possibly in danger, Julia cares more about the fossils than Rafe or anything else.  While I can understand her fascination, I didn't relate to ignoring the danger to the man you are supposed to be in love with.

The appearance of Rafe's lost brother had some elements of the odd as well.  This ended up being one of those books that I got to a certain point and ended up wanting to know what happened.  While I don't expect my fiction to be completely believable, it is fiction, I enjoy the story more when it is more possible than impossible.  This one was just a little too far on the one side for me to truly enjoy.  There is another book out in the series, In Too Deep, that tells the story of Ethan, and later this year the 3rd book comes out, Over the Edge, that follows the story of Seth.  I don't plan on watching either one.  They're just not up my alley.

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