A little bit about what you'll find reviewed here

A little bit about what you'll find reviewed on this blog: I believe the best books involve characters you wish you could read more about long after the book is finished. Recently, I've been searching for hidden gems from the past. I read mostly fiction, and I'm a bit of a prude. I don't normally enjoy books with sex or excessive language.

Who I am:
I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful girls. I enjoy reading (of course), sewing, cross stitching, photography and writing. I live in the high desert portion of Washington (which I didn't know existed until my husband and I decided to move here) and have really enjoyed my time out here. I am excited to see what God has next in store for my life!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Courting Miss Amsel (Heart of the Prairie #6) - Kim Vogel Sawyer

This is my first review for this author. I had been watching it because it kept popping up as a recommendation and it looked like the kind of thing that I read.  It popped up for $2.99 and I picked it up.

Edythe has finally left home to start a new life teaching in Nebraska.  She has been raising her siblings since her mother died.  Her father has hardly been a parent and Edythe finally decides it's time for her to leave.  Her only regret is her sister, Missy, who is a teenager.  She has been left with Edythe's brother and his wife.

Joel is raising his two nephews.  Johnny and Robert were left parentless after a carriage accident took the lives of their parents.  When Joel meets the new schoolmarm, he starts falling for her and imagining her being a mother to the two boys.

Edythe's teaching style raises some eyebrows in the town.  She has done away with the switch that the old teacher used, endearing her to most of the class.  The only problem she encounters there is William, a troublemaker with a capital T.  With no help from the parents, Edythe is left to figure out a way to keep the peace without breaking her promise to not use the switch.

The town seems split on Edythe's teaching methods.  She teaches them a little more than just the reading, writing and arithmetic.  Joel is happy with what she is doing, his boys are no longer afraid of going to school.  In fact, they enjoy it.

The more Joel talks to Edythe, the more he likes her.  He tries to explain his feelings to her, but she is unwilling to raise another family.  Keeping her feelings at bay is hard.  She runs him off but then has to deal with the consequences when Joel decides to try and find love elsewhere.  Joel himself begins to second guess himself on that decision.

I enjoyed this book.  I liked most of the characters.  Missy was pretty irritating, but that's just her being a teen.  Ms. Sawyer has written a number of other books.  At present, the only one I am tracking is called Song of My Heart.  It seems the like the one I would enjoy the most.  I give this one a Good Book! review.

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