I love dogs. They're wonderful creatures, and my little heart melts when I see them. I've been blessed with having two great dogs during my life.
This book explains the training process and lives of soldier dogs. It doesn't just tell stories of particular dogs. While there are specific stories in the book, that's not the main focus. It was interesting to get an in-depth look in their lives.
There is a glaring omission in the book I would like to point out. The book is so well researched, I was surprised with the gap. The author mentions seeing surgery for dogs who are getting ready for retirement. She is glad the heroes aren't forgotten. But they are.
Once those dogs go into retirement, all costs for medical care fall on the owner. Some of these dogs live out their lives fairly normally, but others have issues. The government is no longer responsible for their care, so the owner (many times the former handler) has to choose between costly care and their best friend's life. It is the reason groups like Project K9 Hero, Mission K9 Rescue and The Warrior Dog Foundation (among many others) were created. Sometimes they're even able to save a dog from being euthanized.
This book was well researched, and the author had access to many areas the general public will never see. I was almost crying multiple times reading this book. It was published in 2012, and I'm happy to say that in 2013, the law changed so these heroes were no longer considered equipment. In 2018, President Obama signed a law that allows overseas MWDs to come home to retire. Steps are being taken to recognize these heroes, but they still aren't allowed to receive medals intended for "humans." I mean, dogs are people, too!
Overall, I liked this book. It was well written and informative. If it hadn't had the glaring omission in it, I wouldn't have anything negative to say. But I'm passionate about K9s, so if you love dogs, appreciate working dogs, and want to show some appreciation, find a charity. Donate. Buy a shirt. Everyone looks good with a dog on their shirt! Help those who have been helping us for centuries. Good Book!