A little bit about what you'll find reviewed here

A little bit about what you'll find reviewed on this blog: I believe the best books involve characters you wish you could read more about long after the book is finished. Recently, I've been searching for hidden gems from the past. I read mostly fiction, and I'm a bit of a prude. I don't normally enjoy books with sex or excessive language.

Who I am:
I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful girls. I enjoy reading (of course), sewing, cross stitching, photography and writing. I live in the high desert portion of Washington (which I didn't know existed until my husband and I decided to move here) and have really enjoyed my time out here. I am excited to see what God has next in store for my life!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Cut, Crop & Die - Joanna Campbell Slan

This one popped up for free and I picked it right up.  In the past, I had read Paper, Scissors, Death and liked it pretty well.  I'm not really a fan of scrapbooking, so that wasn't the draw for me.  It seems to be an expensive hobby, and from what I have heard from friends, it is.

Anyway, Kiki is back again, this time she's trying to solve the murder of a fellow scrapper.  The woman was hardly well liked, but she keeled over at an event that was organized by the store that Kiki works for.  A rival store owner is using the event as an opportunity to push her business to the front.

We've also got Detweiler back.  He's trying to be there for her, but Kiki wonders what is holding him back in regards to their relationship.  Once she makes a disturbing discovery about him, she decides that she needs to let him go, even though she is in love with him.  There's more to the story than that, but unfortunately we're left with a cliffhanger in that respect.

Kiki gets herself involved in the investigation again, much to the despair of Detweiler.  She wages war on the new employee who she sees as a threat to her job.  Her mother-in-law also seems to be warming up to her, and her daughter is doing her best to turn into a teenager a little early.

There also seems to be a lot more depressing aspects to this book than I remember in the last one.  I don't recall there being that many in the other book, but I read it quite a while ago so I may just not remember.  There were hate crimes, "dead" dogs, cancer scares, unemployment and betrayal.  I also had to struggle to read through minute details of Kiki's trip to the spa that could have easily been shortened.

The length of this book causes me to classify it as a "diet" book.  It's an easy read and not too long.  The conversational tone of the writing makes it a fun read as well.  I'm not a die-hard fan of mysteries, so there has to be another element to the book to make it engaging for me.  In this series, the element was Detweiler.  Unfortunately, I did a little research and it seems like their relationship is a cliffhanger for at least two more books.  I personally do not enjoy books like this.  It reminds me of the trilogies where nothing is resolved until the last book.

All in all, it was a good read and a nice little mystery.  For me, I think that the journey with Kiki and Detweiler is over.  I get frustrated having to wait through multiple books to find out what happens and the mystery aspect of the books is just not enough for an old romantic like me.  If you like scrapbooking and mysteries, I truly believe that you would love these books.  There are little tips and tricks for scrapping in there that enhance the story for people that enjoy that.  I won't be picking up any more of these.

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