A little bit about what you'll find reviewed here

A little bit about what you'll find reviewed on this blog: I believe the best books involve characters you wish you could read more about long after the book is finished. Recently, I've been searching for hidden gems from the past. I read mostly fiction, and I'm a bit of a prude. I don't normally enjoy books with sex or excessive language.

Who I am:
I raised two wonderful girls, and I'm super proud of them. I enjoy reading (of course), sewing, cross stitching, photography and writing. I live in the high desert portion of Washington (which I didn't know existed until my husband and I decided to move here) and have really enjoyed my time out here. I am excited to see what God has next in store for my life!

Friday, October 4, 2024

World of Warcraft (Comic) - Book 4 - Walter and Louise Simonson

We end this particular series with Book 4. The version I had also included the one-shot Beginnings and Endings by Mike Costa.

Things are coming to a breaking point in AQ. Garona's son is the key to Cho'gall's plans, but capturing and using him will be difficult. A council has come together to share their power with Me'dan since he's their best hope to win.

The art and story were pretty good yet again. My main elf Broll came back, so both Valeera and myself were happy. I'm glad I was able to read these fairly close together. I'm not sure I would've kept everything straight if I'd had too much of a gap. Even recognizing characters, events and places would only have helped me so much.

Overall, I liked this series. It was the last of the comics I had, and from what I could tell, the last one they made. I still have some manga to read, so this isn't going to be my last graphic adventure with WoW. On to the next one! Good Story!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Burden - Mary Westmacott (Agatha Christie)

One of the books I was most excited to find was this little diet book. Not only was it Agatha Christie, but the cover was very reminiscent of the gothic romances I used to read back in the day. A young woman escaping from a castle? I was so excited!

This book is broken up into four parts: Laura, Shirley, Llewelyn and Back to the Beginning (or something along those lines). Each section focuses on that particular person, but their lives are intertwined. Laura and Shirley are sisters, and Llewelyn comes onto the scene later on.

Laura as a child hates Shirley until one fateful night when she saves her baby sister from a fire. From then on, she tries to protect her. After Shirley grows up, she falls in love with a man that isn't quite what Laura expected, but she isn't going to interfere.

Later in life, Llewelyn goes to an island and comes across one of the sisters. Her life isn't what she'd imagined, and she longs for escape. It gets a bit depressing after that.

This wasn't what I was expecting at all, but that's not affecting my review. The structure of the novel, while unique, was strange. Since this is a diet book, I didn't really have time to connect with the characters the way I wanted to. I'd get to know Laura, but then we'd switch to Shirley. It prevented me from connecting fully with any of the characters. The end was very strange, especially considering what happened when Shirley took the plunge soon after meeting Henry. This one just wasn't my style.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

World of Warcraft (Comic) - Book 3 - Walter and Louise Simonson

And we're continuing our epic tale of King Varian and his crew. In this book, Varian is headed back to Theramore for a peace conference with Thrall from Orgrimmar. The peace conference doesn't really get a chance to start before there's an attack by the lich king's forces. The battle is complicated by the assassination attempts by Garona, who is under a spell. Her son comes to save her, but she doesn't trust herself around him. Toward the end, we find out Cho'gall is determined to use that son for some purpose, which I'm sure we'll discover in the next book.

Another good one. Maybe I should have waited and reviewed these all together, but it's too late to think of that now! My one issue with this one was Broll. Where is BROLL!? I mean, I know where he is, but I didn't get enough Broll. I'm also hoping Valeera is okay after her demon encounter. I can't remember her in game, and I'm not cheating by looking anything up, so I'll have to blaze through the last one soon. Good Comic!