A little bit about what you'll find reviewed here

A little bit about what you'll find reviewed on this blog: I believe the best books involve characters you wish you could read more about long after the book is finished. Recently, I've been searching for hidden gems from the past. I read mostly fiction, and I'm a bit of a prude. I don't normally enjoy books with sex or excessive language.

Who I am:
I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful girls. I enjoy reading (of course), sewing, cross stitching, photography and writing. I live in the high desert portion of Washington (which I didn't know existed until my husband and I decided to move here) and have really enjoyed my time out here. I am excited to see what God has next in store for my life!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Eight Lives Down - Chris Hunter

I looked into this topic after watching The Hurt Locker. I wanted to know more about the type of person who would voluntarily put themselves into harm's way to go into a foreign country and disarm bombs. All the while it probably feels like everyone is trying to kill you, and if they aren't, you can't tell which ones are and which aren't.

Hunter is a British soldier who disarms bombs, but he also is trying not to lose his family. His wife has had it, but he feels like he has to protect the men he's working with. The adrenaline rush he gets from neutralizing these threats is something he can't seem to separate himself from.

The book is harrowing and scary. It was silly. The man wouldn't have been able to write the book if he hadn't made it, but there were times I wasn't sure he would be able to finish his tour. And I was so invested in whether his family would be there when he got back. He knew he was screwing up, but he just kept messing up. It just made me sad.

This was one of the better autobiographies I've read. It's written in an easy manner, and it's not bogged down by so many technical details I couldn't follow what was happening. I am so glad I read this. It was well worth my time, and if you have any interest in this topic, I highly recommend this book. Good Book!


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