A little bit about what you'll find reviewed here

A little bit about what you'll find reviewed on this blog: I believe the best books involve characters you wish you could read more about long after the book is finished. Recently, I've been searching for hidden gems from the past. I read mostly fiction, and I'm a bit of a prude. I don't normally enjoy books with sex or excessive language.

Who I am:
I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful girls. I enjoy reading (of course), sewing, cross stitching, photography and writing. I live in the high desert portion of Washington (which I didn't know existed until my husband and I decided to move here) and have really enjoyed my time out here. I am excited to see what God has next in store for my life!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The River Girl's Christmas (Texas Women of Spirit #4) - Angela Castillo

This is the fourth story in this series.  It's not a book, coming in at around 100 pages, but it does update you on the characters from the first two books, Zillia and Soonie.  The first three books in the series are also on the short side, each of them around 200 pages.  The books are The River Girl's Song, The Comanche Girl's Prayer and The Saloon Girl's Journey.

It's getting close to Christmas, and Soonie is travelling with her husband, Lone Warrior, to visit her family.  On the way, Lone Warrior gets shot and getting him help is going to be difficult.  Zillia's thoughts are tied up with worrying about her friend, but there's a little girl that needs her help.

At first I thought this would be on the sappy side, with tear-filled reunions and too much happiness.  I was pleasantly surprised to find a story with aspects of action and adventure.  I mean, there is the sappy Christmas part, it had to be in there, but it isn't overdone, and I really enjoyed it.

This was probably my second favorite of the series, the first being The Comanche Girl's Prayer.  I think it's cheating a bit to call it a "book," but as long as you realize you're in for a shorter story, I believe this is worth a read.  Good Story!

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